Cyber ​​security threats and their types in English - IT/ITes-NSQF & GK

Cyber ​​security threats and their types in English

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Cyber ​​security threats and their types:-   

                 Cyber ​​security is the biggest need in today's time. Online fraud, blackmailing, threats, spamming, provocative comments, hacking etc. have become very common problems. There is a dire need to deal with this. Money is flying from people's accounts with just one minute phone call. The government is making different types of rules to deal with all these crimes, but even then these crimes are not decreasing. Cyber ​​security is the need of the whole world. But many things remain at risk for this. Let us know in detail the threats to cyber security and their types through this post:- 

1) Hacking:-

                           Nowadays the demand of Computer and Smartphone has increased so much that people cannot run their work without using them. Whatever work you do, you need both these things. You must have heard about Cybercrime, this is a crime in which hackers steal the necessary information and data from other people's computers / smartphones, i.e. their personal files and blackmail them and demand money or upload your personal information on the Internet as well. can do. A person doing work like hacking is called a hacker and he has a lot of knowledge about computers. To do this kind of work, the hacker finds any such entry point in the computer through which he can enter the computer on which he targets. Their purpose to do so is to damage a computer or to steal any particular information from the computer.

There are two types of hackers:-

1) White Hat Hacker:- Those who do hacking for good work and no one is harmed by them.

2) Black Hat Hacker:- Hackers who use hacking to harass others or steal their important files from their system.

2) Cracking:- 

                         Cracking is a technique or method by which computer software is used to crack / break or destroy the system completely. It is similar to hacking. This is a big crime. You can understand Crackers in the same way as a thief breaks the lock to steal in the bank. In the same way Cracker also cracks computer software programs and its accounts. Through this cracker can use paid software without paying money. Hacker breaks the codes of those softwares and activates those softwares Illegal/wrongly without paying, these softwares are also called pirated softwares. Such activities are called cracking.

There are three types of Cracking:-

1) Password Cracking.

2) Software Cracking.

3) Network Cracking.

3) Phishing:-

                      As its name suggests, just as a fish is caught by putting something in the pond, similarly a mail or message is sent to you to trap you in the computer. By which a hacker can steal the information of your computer or smartphone. It is a cybercrime in which getting information about your important information like bank details, credit/debit card details, password etc. is called phishing. In this, calls or messages are made to you by any bank or by any legitimate organization but they have not actually come from them. They are Fake / Fake messages. This is a type of Social Engineering attack which is often used to steal the user's data. Phishing users use social media sites and email to get information about anyone and from here they steal your personal information like your name, work history, about your habits etc.

There are five types of Phishing:- 

1) Spear Phishing.

2) Whaling Attack.

3) Pharming Attacks.

4) Voice Phishing.

5) SMS Phishing.

4) Spoofing:-

                            It is a way by which an attacker gains unauthorized access to your computer or server. In this, the attacker sends a message in the computer network and you think that someone has sent it. In this, the attacker changes the IP address. Spoofing is mostly used for DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack. In the Internet world, it is an attack on a website or server that causes a website to be down or shut down. Here, when an attacker hacks a website, he runs or closes that website according to his wish. Then if a user wants to access that website, then it shows that the website is not available (Unavailable). All these works are not done by a single hacker. For this, the whole team works together, which together executes the DDoS attack. In this, the attacker sends many spoofed IP addresses to the server or computer, causing a lot of traffic to the computer, which your computer cannot handle. In spoofing, the attacker sends a mail to you that looks exactly like an email and a link is given in it, as soon as someone clicks on that link, a virus enters your computer or server.

5) Rootkit:-                         

                       It is commonly used for wrongdoing. It makes space in the computer where software is usually not there. The user is not even aware of this. They sometimes take the shape and form of other software and hide themselves. When you install any software, it gets installed in your computer along with that software and the user is not even aware. When rootkits are installed on your computer, all control over your computer is in the hands of the attacker. He can steal any of your personal information from your computer and blackmail you or misuse your information. If rootkit is installed in your computer then you have to completely install your operating system or computer windows. In this way all the information on your computer is deleted. If your computer has a rootkit, then it turns off your anti-malware protection and if your computer's window settings are changing automatically, then this is also due to rootkit. It is made in such a way that it is not easy to grab and remove. To catch and remove it, you either have to completely reinstall your operating system. Some software also comes with the help of which you can find rootkits. These are called rootkit scanners.

6) Adware:- 

                         It is a software package that automatically breaks any advertisement into pieces and shows it on the screen. It is absolutely free software. When you are doing some work, you can go to any website with the help of adware. Adware requires an internet connection to run. Before installing it in your computer, it should be seen that it is from a good company because some adware works as spyware which can send your computer information to other computer through internet. Adware slows down computer speed. If your computer speed is slow then your computer may have adware. The purpose of creating adware for people is to make money or steal any of your personal information from your computer and sell it to a third person. There are some software with the help of which you can prevent adware from entering your computer like:- Avast, AVG, Qiuck heal, escan, Panda Anti virus etc.

7) Spam:-

                      With the increasing use of computers and mobile devices, we hear more and more. You must have heard the word spam, the word spam means the arrival of any unwanted E-mails. When these e-mails come, even the recipient of them does not know from where they have come and who has sent them. Spam is common nowadays and email companies have put anti-spam programs for security so that no such mail can go to you and even if it does come, a separate folder named spam is created in which these mails go. There is a lot of fraud nowadays due to spam mail, some people have made it their source of income. The only way to prevent spam from entering your system is to change your password frequently or keep it in such a way that no one can hack it. Spam senders are called spammers.

                    Through this post we have known what are the threats to cyber security and their types (Cyber ​​security threats and their types). Hope you enjoy this blog.


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