Computer language and its types in english - IT/ITes-NSQF & GK

Computer language and its types in english

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Languages of Computer:-

                           By computer language, we mean the system under which such instructions can be given to the computer, which the computer can understand and follow them. By the way, the computer understands the binary language. Which is also called machine language of computer. Since the invention of the computer, three types of languages ​​have been used till now:-

1) Assembly Code.

2) Machine Language.

3) High Level Ianguage.

1) Assembly Code:- 

                          The assembly code was developed in the year 1950 to overcome the problems faced in machine language. In these languages, instead of numeric codes and addresses, mixed codes were used. For example, ADDS and SUB codes were used for 'addition' and 'subtract' respectively. It proved to be somewhat faster and somewhat easier than machine language.

2) Machine Language:-

                   This is the language, which is made up of only combinations of 1's and 0's and which the computer can understand directly. Every command in machine language has two parts, the first is the operation code, the second is the location code. Order codes and status codes are expressed in sequences 0 and 1. Some example of Machine Language are as follows:-

Instruction      Operation

00000000     Stop Program

00000001     Turn bulb fully on

00000010     Turn bulb fully off

00000100     Dim bulb by 10%

00001000     Brighten bulb by 10%

00010000     If bulb is fully on, skip over next instruction

00100000     If bulb is fully off, skip over next instruction

01000000      Go to start of program (address 0)

3) High Level Language:- 

                    High level languages ​​came into existence as a result of the gradual development of aggregate languages. Programming in set languages ​​was a very long and difficult task. So programming in high level languages ​​can be done very fast and very easily. Instead of being machine based, these languages ​​should be problem compliant, an attempt was made to do so. While writing programs in these languages, the programmer can use certain natural language (English) words and accepted mathematical symbols in a certain form, which are completely determined within the language's grammar. For the first time, I.B.M. tried for a higher level language in 1957 and its result came in the form of FORTRAN ie Formula Translation. Some of the major high level languages ​​are as follows:-

i) FORTRAN- Formula Translation.

ii) BASIC- Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.

iii) PASCAL.

iv) PROLOG- Programming in Logic.


vi) C-Language.

vii) SNOBOL- String Oriented Symbolic Language.

viii) COBOL- Common Business Oriented Language.

ix) ALGOL- Algorithmic Language.

x) LISP- List Processing.

xi) LOGO.

xii) PILOT.

xiii) C++ Language.

xiv) Visual Basic.


xvi) Python Language.


Thanks for read my Blog || RAJ RANGA 


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