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Session-2: Create and edit Tables using wizard and SQL Commands (CBSE)                                                                                            (Or)     

Session-2: Create Table using Table Wizard (HBSE) 


Q.1) What is LibreOffice Base? (imp.)

Ans:- LibreOffice Base is a DBMS software. It is a free and open source software (FOSS). We can download it easily from internet and use it. In LibreOffice Base, we can create a database and store any type of data in the form of a table.

Q.2) Write the steps to open LibreOffice Base software?     (imp.)

Ans:- The steps to open LibreOffice Base software are as follows:-

1) Click on Start Button.

2) Click on All Programs.

3) Click on Libre Office.

4) Click on LibreOffice Base.

5) LibreOffice Base will be open.

Q.3) Write the steps to create a new database in LibreOffice Base?

Ans:- The steps to create a new database in LibreOffice Base are as follows:-

1) Open LibreOffice Base.

2) A window named database wizard will open in front of you.

3) Click on the next button in the first step of that window.

4) Click on the Finish button in the second step.

5) Then a window named save as will open.

6) Save the database by giving it any name.

7) New database will be created.

Q.4) What is the extension of database file in LibreOffice Base?                                                                (imp.)

Ans:- The extension of database file in LibreOffice Base is ".odb".

Q.5) How to create table in new database?

Ans:- Tables are the basic building block of the database, all the data is stored in tables only. A table can be created in the database in three ways which are as follows:-

1) By Create Table in Design View.

2) By Create Table in Wizard.

3) Create Table using SQL Command.

Q.6) Write the steps to create a table in Design View?

Ans:- Steps to create Table in Design View are as follows:-

1) Open the database in LibreOffice base.

2) In the Task window, click on Create table in design view.

3) Type field name, type and description in the field detail window.

4) Click on Save icon and name the table.

5) Come out of the database with CTRL+Q command.

6) When you open the database again, you will see a table created.

Q.7) Write the steps to create table using wizard?

Ans:- Steps to create Table from Using wizard are as follows:-

1) Open the database in LibreOffice base.

2) Click on "use wizard to create table" in the Task window.

3) Select the table category and sample table in the table wizard window.

4) Select the field you want from the predefined field.

5) Click on the Next button.

6) Select the information of the field.

7) Click on the Next button and select the primary key.

8) Click on the Next button and give a name to the table.

9) Select "Insert data immediately and enter data".

10) As soon as you click on the Finish button, the table will become open.

Q.8) What is the syntax for creating a table with a SQL command?      (imp.)

Ans:- The syntax for creating a table with SQL command is as follows:-

Syntax:- "CREATE TABLE TABLE_NAME ("column definitions", Table Parameters);"

for example:- CREATE TABLE "Employee" ("ID" INTEGER," Name "VARCHAR (50),"Department" VARCHAR (50),"Address" VARCHAR (120),"Contact Number" INTEGER);

Q.9) How to set the primary key of a field in the table?                     (imp.)

Ans:- Turn the Auto Value of that field to yes to the field you want to make the primary key key in the table. As soon as the Auto Value is yes, a symbol of 'key' will be created in front of that field, which shows that the field next to this symbol is the primary key.

Q.10) Which data types are used in LibrOffice Base?                 (M. Imp.)

Ans:- The following data types are commonly used in LibreOffice Base which are as follows:-

1) Text Data Type: - In this data type, alphabets, numbers and special characters can be entered by combining all three such as Name, PAN Number and Marks, no mathematical calculation can be done on such data type.

2) Numeric Data Type:- In this data type we can enter only Mathematical Number, this number can be any integer and real number.

3) Binary Data Type: - Binary data type is used to store images, sound etc. in the database.

4) Date Data Type: - Date data type is used to store Date and Time.

5) Currency Data Type:- Currency data type is used to store different countries/countries money value.

Q11) Which type / type of data can be entered in Numeric Data Type?

Ans:- In Numeric Data Type, the following type/type of data can be entered which is as follows:-

1) Integer (Int):- We can store any Simple Numeric value in Integer data type. In this the range of value is -2^31 (-2,147,483,648) to +2^31 (2,147,483,647)". This Integer data type is denoted / shown by "int" keyword.

2) Float:- In this we can store any decimal value like a value with percentage (%). This data type is denoted by the keyword "float".

3) Boolean:- In this we store only the values ​​of Yes / No and True / False such as 0 and 1, here 0- represents false and 1- True.

Q.12) Which type of data can be entered / stored in Text / AlphaNumeric Data Type?

Ans:- The following types of data can be entered / stored in Text / AlphaNumeric Data Type which is as follows:-

1) CHAR: - In this we can store alphabets for single character or specific length.

2) VARCHAR:- We use this data type to store any large strings or group of characters.

3) LONGVARCHAR:- In this we can store maximum length string according to UTF-8 (Unicode Transformation Format–8-bit) character.

Q.13) Which type of data can be entered in Binary Data Type?

Ans:- The following types of data can be entered in Binary Data Type which is as follows:-

1) LONGBINARY:- In this we store image and sound. This data type is denoted by the keyword "img".

2. VARBINARY:- In this we store bytes in array. This data type is denoted by the "binary" keyword.




Q.1) Which language is used to work in the database?                    (M. Imp.)

Ans:- There are two types of language used to work in the database:-

1) DDL:- Its full name is Data Definition Language. It is used to create a database structure. DDL is a language used to define data structures and modify data. For example, the DDL command can be used to add, delete, or modify tables in a database.

2) DML:- Its full name is Data Manipulation Language. It is used for data operation in the database. Defines a set of commands that are used to modify database objects, such as tables.

Q.2) What is DDL?

Ans:- DDL:- It is used to create Data Definition Language Database structure. DDL is a language used to define data structures and modify data. For example, the DDL command can be used to add, delete, or modify tables in a database.

Q.3) Which command is used in DDL?                                                      (M. Imp.)

Ans:- Three commands are used in DDL:-

1) CREATE Command .

2) ALTER Command

3) DROP Command

1) CREATE:- This command is used to create a new database or table. Syntax:- CREATE DATABASE database_name;

Example:- CREATE DATABASE Emp_info;

2) ALTER:- This command is used to alter or make changes in the database or table. That is, this command is used to update the structure of the table (add/remove field/index etc.). Once defined, the value of some properties in the table can be changed by ALTER command. 

Syntax:- CREATE DATABASE database_name;

Example:- CREATE DATABASE Emp_info;

3) DROP: - This command is used to delete the database. 

Syntax:- DROP DATABASE database_name;

Example:-DROP DATABASE Emp_info;

Q.4) What is DML?

Ans:- DML:- Its full name is Data Manipulation Language. It is used for data operation in the database. It defines a set of commands that we use to perform tasks on a table in a database such as creating a table, inserting, updating and deleting data.

Q.5) Which command is used in DML?                                           (V.Imp.)

Ans:- Four commands are used in DML which are as follows:-

1) INSERT Command

2) UPDATE Command

3) SELECT Command

4) DELETE Command

1) INSERT Command: - This command is used to enter new data in the table. Its syntax is as follows:-

Syntax:- INSERT INTO table (column1, column2, column3,...) VALUES (value1, value2, values3,...);

Example:- insert into "Stu_Info" ("ID", "Name", "Roll_no" "DOB" "Class", "Phone", "Email", "Location") values ('5', 'Raj_Ranga' '15', '11-06-1999', '12th', '9992434442', 'raazranga@gmail.com', 'Panipat');

2) UPDATE Command:- This command is used to edit/update the data in the table. Its syntax is as follows:-

Syntax:- UPDATE table_name SET column_name value column_name value..] WHERE condition;

Example:- update "Stu_Info" set "Location"='Haryana' where "Roll_no"=15;

3) SELECT Command:- This command is used to retrieve / show data from the table. Its syntax is as follows:-


Example:- select * from Stu_Info;

4) DELETE Command:- This command is used to delete the record/row from the table. Its syntax is as follows:-

Syntax:- Delete from TABLE_NAME;

Example:- Delete from Stu_Info;

Q.6) What are the types of DML?                                                                  (V.Imp.)

Ans:- There are two types of DML which are as follows:-

1) Procedurel:- In this the user specifies what data he wants and how.

2) Non-Procedural: - In this, the user only specifies what data he wants. But the user cannot bring his own code to retrieve / retrieve that data.

Q.7) What is meant by sorting in database? Write the steps to sort the data in the database?

Ans:- Sorting means to arrange the data in ascending (in increasing order) and descending (decreasing order). The steps to sort the data in the database are as follows:-

1) Open the table whose data is to be sorted.

2) The table data view window will open in front of you.

3) Select the column according to which the data is to be sorted.

4) Click on the Ascending or Descending option in the Format Toolbar window.

5) On clicking, the data will be sorted according to the selection.

Q.8) What is the use of Referential Integrity in Database?            (imp.)

Ans:- When we relate two tables in the database, then Referential Integrity is used for the accuracy / correctness and consistency / compatibility of the data. In LibreOffice Base software the data of 2 tables can be linked with the help of primary key and foreign key. While adding, deleting and changing the data in tables, Referential Integrity checks whether the data in which we are working is related in both the tables or not.

Q.9) What is Table Relationship and what are its types?                (V.Imp.)

Ans:- The joining or linking of two or more tables is called table relationship, there are three types of Table Relationship which are as follows:-

1) One-to-One Relationship:- In this type of relationship, one table is linked with another table, through a primary key. In this relationship, there will be only one record in the other table against a specific record of the master table.

2) One-to-Many Relationship:- In this relationship there will be more than one record in another table against a specific record of master table.

3) Many-to-Many Relationship:- In this relationship there will be multiple / more records in the other table against any one multiple record of the master table.

Q.10) What does Field Properties mean?

Ans:- The structure or behavior of the field which is created inside the table in the database is called field property like- Auto value, Length & format of the field.

Q.11) What is the advantage of relating tables in the database?

Ans:- The advantages of relating tables in the database are as follows:-

1) Prevents data redundancy in relationship tables.

2) Missing data can also be searched with the help of referential integrity in the relationship.

3) Prevents invalid data from being entered in relationship tables.

4) After editing the data in the master table, the data in the transaction table is automatically reflected.


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