Internet Terminology - IT/ITes-NSQF & GK

Internet Terminology

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Internet Terminology:-

                             In common language, Internet terminology is a terminology in which all the words related to the Internet have been kept, that is, whenever you use the Internet or talk about the Internet, then you talk about many terms such as:- Download, Upload, Email, URL etc. So all these words can be called Internet Terminology.

Let us know about some imp मेंortant internet vocabulary related words through this post:-

1) Archie:-

                   It is a system that searches the files stored in the FTP (File transfer protocol) server, through which the information of its need can be searched among the storage of information. It is usually a collection of servers in which each server contains information about which file is in which server and which topic / subject it is related to.

2) Web Browser:-

                     It is a client software that is used to display hypertext and to establish communication with it. Through these we can run internet on mobile, computer, tab etc. Example:- google chrome, internet explorer, safari, MS Edge etc.

3) Electronic Mail:-

                         It is an abbreviation for electronic postal service sent by computer. It is also called email. Email has made it possible to send huge information at the speed of light through an electronic system, through which you can send and receive any information / message from one place to another. . By connecting the computer to the Internet, any information and computer program can be sent to any part of the world.

4) Gopher:-

                        It was developed in 1991 at the University of Minnesota, USA. It provides a User Friendly Interface (UFI). Through this, any user can get information on the Internet. It searches the information desired by the user and brings it in front of the user. It is very easy to use. Apart from this, it is also helpful in connecting many Internet services among themselves.

5) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol: HTTP:-

                 It is an application protocol used to transfer hypertext documents and other web resources over the web. It appears in front of any internet address from which the URL address opens. Its abbreviation is HTTP. It always appears next to a web address, for example:- "".

5) Internet Relay Chat (IRC):-

                              Internet relay chat is commonly known as chat, it is used by users to communicate with each other online, the user on one side can communicate with the user on the other side in the form of text to voice.

6) Home Page:-

                          It is the first displayed web page of a site. Whenever we open a website, the first page of that website that comes open is called the home page.

7) Web Page:-

                            A web page is a unit of a web document. When we click on a hyperlink, we are displaying a web page.

8) Web Site:-

                     It is a complete collection of web pages which includes text, sound and pictures and all the facts of the web site are interconnected. In this, many web pages are connected by being related to each other.

9) World Wide Web:-

                         It is a type of database which is spread all over the world, the user gets information through this. In this, the title related to the information is given by the user, the user can use all the information related to that title. Earlier, only written information was available in the World Wide Web, but today many facilities are available along with written information like pictures, sound, games, cartoons, audios, videos etc. To get information on this web browser software is required. . Web browsers like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.

10) Web Server:-

                           This program fulfills the request to get the resources through the web browser and responds to its request. Web servers are also called those computers on which the server program has been working.

11) Wide area information System (WAIS):-

                              It is usually addressed by voice. It is a type of search system that connects the file requested by the user to the server and provides it to the user. Wide Area Information System (WAIS) tells the address where the file is available. If the file requested by the user is not found on any one Wide Area Information System (WAIS) server, then this Wide Area Information System server takes the help of another Wide Area Information Server (WAIS).

12) Telnet:-

                         This protocol is helpful in connecting the user to a remote computer, just as a phone number can be spoken by dialing, in the same way it can transfer data among themselves, which can be done by taking you to another computer and using the various services available on it. Username password is required while working on this, when both of these are correct then the user connects to the remote computer or remote computer.

13) User Net:-

                       It is a network that helps a user to consult with different groups. It also helps in gathering information on various subjects. It is a collection of various news groups that cover a particular area of ​​information, for example if a user knows about movies, then the group of user nets that cover movies will provide information about those movies. . In today's time there are many organizations related to news.

14) Uniform Resource Locator (URL):-

                             It is a special type of address code to access a particular information on the web. Any address available on a computer or internet which can be called a URL. Like:- This is a URL.

15) Veronica:-

                            This is a program that works through Gopher. Through this, necessary information can be obtained faster. The user can easily access any database by accessing Gopher Server and Veronica Server. It is not necessary that Gopher servers provide the same service as Veronica Servers. Veronica Server has a better use than Archie Server, in which the user does not need to know about the file name.

16) Password Cracking:-

                          Computer and network passwords are stored in an encrypted form. Password crackers detect coded passwords with the help of software programs. And use it for illegal activities and unauthorized use. Password Cracker is one such software program that is used to perform such tasks.

17) Phishing:-

                        Trying to get user name, password and other personal information of Internet users on the Internet is called Phishing. For this, false e-mails or messages are sent to the users which appear to be coming from the legitimate website. In these e-mails or messages, users are asked to enter their username, login ID or password and other details. On the basis of which information about the personal details of the users can be obtained. Through this, they can trap the user in their trap.

18) Packet Sniffing:-

                             Data is sent over the Internet by dividing it into packets. Identifying and recording the data packets before reaching their destination is called packet sniffing.

19) Patch:-

                       Software released for use by software companies has many drawbacks. Which are taken advantage of by Hackers / Crackers. Small software programs are released from time to time by software companies to rectify these shortcomings, which are called patches. This patch software works only with the main software.

20) Scare Ware:-

                          It is a type of computer virus that affects computers connected to the Internet. In this, the user connected to the Internet is tempted to download a free antivirus or free software. It looks like an authorized software, but the virus enters the computer as soon as it is downloaded.

21) Digital Signature:-

                                      It is a method of establishing the identity of a person on a computer network, obtaining his approval or approval and verifying or verifying a fact. Network security is also taken care of in this. This technique is used to sign any document stored on the computer without printing it. A digital signature is attached to a message or document. And certifies its validity or authenticity. It is stored on the computer in a coded form so that it is kept out of reach of the unauthentic user. Its use is becoming prevalent in e-commerce and e-governance.

22) Spam:-

                            Unwanted and illegal messages sent to many people using computer and internet are called spam. This is known as network abuse. Spam generally does not cause any kind of damage to computer network and data. In fact, Spam is a small program that is sent in thousands of numbers on the Internet so that they can be displayed repeatedly on the Internet user's site. Spam is mainly advertisements that people generally do not want to see. Therefore, the attention of users is attracted by sending it again and again.

23) Download:-

                          The act of storing a file, program, etc. by the user on his computer or device through the Internet, is called download. To do this work we must have internet connection.

24) Upload:- 

                           The act of sending or putting a file, program, etc., stored on a website on the Internet by the users on their computer or device through the Internet, is called uploading. To do this work we must have internet connection.

25) HTTPS:-

                           Its full name is hyper text transfer protocol secure. This protocol makes it possible for website users to transmit sensitive data such as credit card numbers, banking information and login credentials securely over the Internet. For this reason, HTTPS is especially important for securing online activities such as shopping, banking and remote working. It provides a safe internet interface to the user.

26) TCP / IP:- 

                             Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol is a global standard networking protocol. Developed under contract from the US Department of Defense in the 1970s, TCP/IP was invented by Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn. TCP/IP prepares and forwards data packets over private local area and wide area networks (LAN and WAN) as well as over the Internet. In fact, the Internet is the largest TCP/IP network in the world.

27) Network:-

                      The connection created by connecting many systems together is called a network. By this it is possible to exchange information at many places at the same time.

28) Online:-

                           When the user studies information and services on the Internet. Then it is said that the user is online. In other words, when the user is receiving information through the Internet on a computer or mobile or is using the Internet, then it is said to be online.

29) Offline:-

                  In this, the user disconnects the internet connection by storing the information present in the internet in his own system. When using computer without using internet is called offline.

30) HTML:-

                          Its full name is hyper text markup language. It is used to create web pages. Initially it was used for designing web pages. It is a computer language of a web design. which is still in use today.

31) Surfing:-

                              Surfing is the act of searching for important information in the networks of the Internet.

32) DNS: Domain Name System:-

                                The basic part of an address used in the Internet is called a domain. Every computer connected to the Internet has a different domain. Which is called Domain Name System (DNS). Which can be divided into 3 parts:-

1) Generic domain.

2) Country Domain.

3) Inverse domain.

33) Band:-

                    A unit that measures the speed of data transmission. 1 Band=1 Bit/sec.

34) Bandwidth:- 

                      It tells how much data is being transmitted over a specific connection in a given time. This is the maximum data transfer rate of a network or Internet connection. In short, more bandwidth means faster data transfer rate and faster internet speed.

35) Broad Band:-

                    Computer network whose transmission speed is 1 million bits per second or more.

36) CAPTCHA Code:-

                             It is a program that is meant to protect websites from bots that create and grading tests that only humans can pass. CAPTCHA is a word verification test, which can be read and solved only by humans. But no computer generated programs can read and verify them.

37) Bookmark:-

                           This is a saved link of a webpage, which is added to the saved links. Many times you have to come back to a web page many times or you are browsing and you found important information on some web which you want to see later, then at such time you can bookmark this web page. With which you can quickly come to this webpage next time and use it easily.

38) Add-ons / Plugins / Extension:-

                             It is also known as Active X Control, browser extension, browser helper object or toolbar. They enhance the browsing experience by adding additional features to websites. Browser extensions help you work faster and save time.

39) Encryption:-

                   It is the act of encoding a message or file so that only legitimate users can read it. This is the most effective method for data security. For example, if you're buying anything from a website, it's usually encrypted to help keep the transaction information secure.

40) Freeware:-

                         It is a type of computer software that is provided free of charge on the Internet. It is also called FOSS i.e. Free & Open Source Software.

41) Shareware:-

                          It is a type of computer software which is given free of cost to the user for testing, but after using it after a time limit, they have to buy the software. Trial version software can be included in this.

42) Spyware:-

                        It is software that is secretly downloaded along with any software downloaded from the Internet and collects your personal information and uses this information for your own benefit with your consent. Like which website you use and your card details etc.

43) Blog:-

                      It is an abbreviation for Weblog. This is a type of website where people write their point of view on any topic and share it with the public. You can use the blog as your personal diary.

44) Protocol:-

                     A protocol is a set of rules that govern the way in which data is sent between computers.

45) Search Engine:-

                       Search engines work for you to find information on the Internet. Through this we can easily find any information. Like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Duck duck Go etc, these are all search engines.

46) Server:-

                           A server is a computer program that controls or sends information to multiple computers connected to a network. Server is the main computer on which the server program is run.

47) Host:-

                     It is the main computer of a network that controls and sends information to other computers connected to it.

48) Client:-

                     The client is the computer that is connected to the server. In other words, a client is a computer that receives a service by requesting a server.

49) Hacker:-

                        A hacker is a computer genius person. One who has a lot of computer related knowledge and he helps in finding the deficiency in computer related security. May use the computer incorrectly.

50) ISP (Internet Service Provider):-

                          All those companies or organizations that provide Internet service are called ISP ie Internet Service Provider. Along with the Internet, ISP also provides many other services such as: - Web page hosting, mail services, file transfer etc. Example:- There are many ISPs working in India at this time, most of the phone companies, cable companies and satellite companies do the work of providing internet service. Like Airtel, Jio, Idea, Videophone and BSNL etc.

51) Sign up:-

                         The act of opening an account in any website of the internet by the user is called sign up. Suppose you do not have an account in a website and you want to open an account in it and to open the account, you fill your information in the website, this process is called sign up. In simple language, creating your ID on any website is called sign up. 


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