Important keyboard's Shortcuts Keys For Computer users - IT/ITes-NSQF & GK

Important keyboard's Shortcuts Keys For Computer users

नमस्कार आप सभी का हमारी वेबसाइट "" पर स्वागत हैं, आज हम इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से "Important keyboard's Shortcuts Keys For Computer users in hindi" की जानकारी प्राप्त करेंगे ।

                         कंप्यूटर सॉफ्टवेयर में कमांड को नेविगेट करने और निष्पादित (execute) करने में कुशल होने के लिए, सभी कंप्यूटर यूजर्स को कंप्यूटर शॉर्टकट कुंजियों का ज्ञान अवश्य होना चाहिए । कंप्यूटर शॉर्टकट कीज़ सीखने से आपको अपना काम आसान और तेजी से करने में मदद मिलेगी । निस्संदेह, इन दिनों बहुत ज्यादा लोग कंप्यूटर सिस्टम पर काम करते है । कंप्यूटर शॉर्टकट कुंजियाँ किसी भी कंप्यूटर एप्लिकेशन का उपयोग करते समय यूजर्स को कंप्यूटर पर तेजी से कार्य करने में मदद करती हैं । इस लेख में, हम Microsoft Windows, MS Office प्रोग्राम जैसे MS Office, MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint और browser इत्यादि में उपयोग की जाने वाली सभी महत्वपूर्ण कंप्यूटर कीबोर्ड शॉर्टकट keys के बारे में जानेंगे जो सभी कंप्यूटर users को पता होनी चाहिए । यदि आप नियमित रूप से कंप्यूटर सॉफ्टवेयर पर काम करते हैं तो आपको computer keyboard shortcut keys का ज्ञान होना अति आवश्यक है । आइए इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से हम कुछ महत्वपूर्ण कीबोर्ड शॉर्टकट्स keys के बारे में जानते हैं ।

Important keyboard's Shortcuts Keys For Computer users:-

∆ CTRL + A :-  Select All 

∆ CTRL + C :- Copy

∆ Ctrl + Ins :- Copy 

∆ CTRL + X :- Cut

∆ Shift + Del :- Cut 

∆ CTRL + V :- Paste

∆ Shift + Ins :- Paste

∆ CTRL + Z :- Undo

∆ CTRL + Y :- Redo 

∆ CTRL + B :- Bold

∆ CTRL + U :- Underline

∆ CTRL + I  :- Italic

∆ Ctrl + D :- Delete what is currently selected.

∆ Alt + Spacebar :- Display shortcut menu for the currently open window.

∆ F1  :- Universal help (for all programs).

∆ F2 : Rename selected object.

∆ F3 :- Find all files.

∆ F4 :- Opens file list drop-down in dialogs.

∆ F5 :- Refresh current window.

∆ F6 :- Shifts focus in Windows Explorer.

∆ F10 :- Activates menu bar options.

∆ Alt + F4 :- Close current open program, Quit program, close current window.

∆ ALT + TAB :- Cycles between open applications.

∆ ALT + F6 :- Switch between current program windows.

∆ ALT + ENTER :- Opens properties dialog.

∆ ALT + SPACE :- System menu for current window.

∆ BACKSPACE :- Switch to parent folder.

∆ CTRL + ESC :- Opens Start menu.

∆ CTRL + ALT+DEL :- Opens task manager, reboots the computer.

∆ CTRL + TAB :- Move through property tabs.

∆ CTRL + SHIFT+DRAG :- Create shortcut (also right-click, drag).

∆ CTRL + DRAG :- Copy File.

∆ ESC :- Cancel last function.

∆ SHIFT + DRAG :- Move file.

∆ SHIFT + F10 :- Opens context menu (same as right-click).

∆ SHIFT + DELETE :- Full wipe delete (bypasses Recycle Bin).

∆ ALT + underlined letter :- Opens the corresponding menu.

∆  Home  :- Go to beginning of current line.

∆ Ctrl + Home :- Go to beginning of document.

∆ End key :- Go to end of current line.

∆ Ctrl + End key :- Go to end of document.

∆ Shift + Home :- Highlight from current position to beginning of line.

∆ Shift + End :- Highlight from current position to end of line.

∆ Ctrl + f :- Move one word to the left at a time.

∆ Ctrl + g :- Move one word to the right at a time.

∆ Alt + Tab :- Switch between open applications.

∆ Shift + Tab :- Switch backwards between open applications.

∆ Alt + Print Screen :- Create screen shot for current program.

∆ Ctrl + Alt + Del :- Reboot/Windows®️ task manager.

∆ Ctrl + Esc :- Bring up start menu.

∆ Alt + Esc :- Switch between applications on taskbar.

∆ Alt + Enter :- Open properties window of selected icon or program.

∆ Shift + F10 :- Simulate right-click on selected item.

∆ Shift + Del :- Delete programs/files permanently.

∆ WINKEY + D :- Bring desktop to the top of other windows.

∆ WINKEY + M :- Minimize all windows.

∆ WINKEY + SHIFT + M :- Undo the minimize done by WINKEY + M and WINKEY + D .

∆ WINKEY + E :- Open Microsoft Explorer.

∆ WINKEY + Tab :- Cycle through open programs on taskbar.

∆ WINKEY + F :- Display the Windows Search/Find feature.

∆ WINKEY + CTRL + F :- Display the search for computers window.

∆ WINKEY + F1 :- Display the Microsoft Windows help.

∆ WINKEY + R :- Open the run window.

∆ WINKEY + Pause /Break :- Open the system properties window.

∆ WINKEY + U :- Open utility manager

∆ WINKEY + L :- Lock the computer (Windows XP & later).

MS Outlook Shortcut Keys:-

∆ Alt + S :- Send the email.

∆ Ctrl + C :- Copy selected text.

∆ Ctrl + X :- Cut selected text.

∆ Ctrl + P :- Open print dialog box.

∆ Ctrl + K :- Complete name/email typed in address bar.

∆ Ctrl + B :- Bold highlighted selection

∆ Ctrl + I :- Italicize highlighted selection.

∆ Ctrl + U :- Underline highlighted selection.

∆ Ctrl + R :- Reply to an email.

∆ Ctrl + F :- Forward an email.

∆ Ctrl + N :- Create a new email.

∆ Ctrl + Shift + A :- Create a new appointment to your calendar.

∆ Ctrl + Shift + O :- Open the outbox.

∆ Ctrl + Shift + I :- Open the inbox.

∆ Ctrl + Shift + K :- Add a new task.

∆ Ctrl + Shift + C :- Create a new contact.

∆ Ctrl + Shift+ J :- Create a new journal entry.


∆ Ctrl + A :- Select all contents of the page.

∆ Ctrl + B :- Bold highlighted selection

∆ Ctrl + C :- Copy selected text.

∆ Ctrl + X :- Cut selected text.

∆ Ctrl + N :- Open new/blank  document.

∆ Ctrl + O :- Open options.

∆ Ctrl + P :- Open the print window.

∆ Ctrl + S :- Save the document or file.

∆ Ctrl + F :- Open find box.

∆ Ctrl + I :- Italicize highlighted selection.

∆ Ctrl + K :- Insert link.

∆ Ctrl + U :- Underline highlighted selection.

∆ Ctrl + V :- Paste

∆ Ctrl + Y :- Redo the last action performed.

∆ Ctrl + Z :- Undo last action.

∆ Ctrl + G :- Find and replace options

∆ Ctrl + H:- Find and replace options

∆ Ctrl + J :- Justify paragraph alignment.

∆ Ctrl + L :- Align selected text or line to the left.

∆ Ctrl + Q :- Align selected paragraph to the left.

∆ Ctrl + E :- Align selected paragraph to the center.

Document Cursor Controls shortcut keys:-

∆ HOME :- to beginning of line or far left of field or screen.

∆ END :- to end of line, or far right of field or screen.

∆ CTRL + HOME :- to the top.

∆ CTRL + END :- to the bottom.

∆ PAGE UP :- moves document or dialog box up one page.

∆ PAGE DOWN :- moves document or dialog down one page.

∆ ARROW KEYS :- move focus in documents, dialogs, etc.

∆ CTRL + > :- next word.

∆ CTRL + SHIFT + > :- selects word.

List of all CTRL Shortcuts keys (A to Z):-

∆ Ctrl + A :- Select all text

∆ Ctrl + B  :- Bold text.

∆ Ctrl + C :- Copy text

∆ Ctrl + D :- Open font formatting window

∆ Ctrl + E  :- Center text

∆ Ctrl + F  :- Find a phrase

∆ Ctrl + G :- Go to a specific page

∆ Ctrl + H :- Replace text with another text

∆ Ctrl + I  :- Italicize text

∆ Ctrl + J :- Justify text

∆ Ctrl + K :- Open insert hyperlink window

∆ Ctrl + L :- Left align text

∆ Ctrl + M :- Indent a paragraph from the left

∆ Ctrl + N :- Open new document or file

∆ Ctrl + O :- Open an existing document or file

∆ Ctrl + P :- Print a document

∆ Ctrl + Q :- Remove paragraph formatting

∆ Ctrl + R :- Right align text

∆ Ctrl + S  :- Save the document or file

∆ Ctrl + T :- Create a hanging indent

∆ Ctrl + U :- Underline selected text

∆ Ctrl + V  :- Paste any text or object that has been copied.

∆ Ctrl + W :- Close open tab in a browser or a document in Word.

∆ Ctrl + X :- Cut text or object.

∆ Ctrl + Y :- Redo any undo action.

∆ Ctrl + Z :- Undo any action.

Browser Keyboard Shortcuts keys:-

∆ Ctrl + D :- Bookmark the current web address that is open in your browser.

∆ Ctrl + I :- View the saved favorites window.

∆ Ctrl + J :- View the browser downloads window.

∆ Ctrl + H :- Show browser history window.

File Explorer Shortcuts keys:-

∆ Alt + D :- Select the address bar.

∆ Ctrl + E :- Select the search bar.

∆ Ctrl + N :- Open new window.

∆ Ctrl + W :- Close selected window.

∆ Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Wheel :- Change size and look of file and folder icons/thumbnails.


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