E-Mail and Features of email - IT/ITes-NSQF & GK

E-Mail and Features of email

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Electronic Mail (E-Mail):-                  

                       Through E-mail, you can send messages or files anywhere via computer network. It is one of the major services of the Internet, through which scientists and researchers located in remote places and people involved in government schemes get connected instantly. Today E-mail is becoming very popular. As a primary communication system by which personal and business information can be easily exchanged. 
If using an e-mail program such as Outlook Express, Hotmail or Gmail, you can create, send or receive, forward, store, print and delete messages. This message or messages can be simple text or can also be an attachment of word processing documents, along with graphics message, audio, video can also be sent. If ever you're working in another application, most e-mail programs provide a mail notification alert that alerts you with a message or sound when you receive new mail. As soon as your mail arrives, it is placed in your mail box. Computers often have a storage location that connects you to the Internet, such as a server operated by your ISP that connects you to a mail box. This server is often also called a "mail server" and contains mail boxes. Most ISPs provide a mail server with an Internet e-mail program and a mailbox as part of their Internet access services. As soon as you setup an e-mail account by connecting to the web site, then you get a special email address and a password in which you get the web based e-mail program available by some websites. Therefore, instead of sending e-mail messages, many sites provide this facility to send online invitations and greetings. There is also a server on these websites that can send your Invitation, Messages and Greetings etc. 

                        When you send an email message, a program on the mail server determines the Internet route of your message and then sends it. When your messages reach the recipient's mail server, the message is transferred to the POP or POP3 server. POP (Post Office Protocol) is a communication technology by which email can be retrieved from a mail server. The POP Server keeps the message until the recipient receives it from their e-mail software. 

Features of E-mail:-

                            Following are the main features of E-mail which are as follows:-

1) Recieve a Messages:-
                          It is not necessary that the person concerned should be sitting at his computer to receive the messages. Service Provider stores all received messages until they are retrieved. These messages should be checked regularly. You can connect to your service provider and receive messages again by connecting your computer to the modem. This means you can retrieve your messages wherever you are. 

2) Reply a messages:-

                          You can also reply to a question or provide additional information about a related topic by message. When you reply to a message, it is important to include part of the original message. This is called 'Quoting'. The job of quoting is that the questioner immediately knows which message you have answered. In reply, you can delete those parts of the original message that do not belong to your reply. In this way you can also save the time of the recipient of the message. 

3) Forward a Message:-

                          When you receive the message and if you want, you can also forward it to the desired destination by adding some of your thoughts to it. 

4) Print a Message:- 

                                    You can print the message and get its paper copy.

5) Organise Messages:-
                        Usually email programs store messages that you have sent, received or deleted. You can keep them in separate folders. In this way, you can organize all the messages and review them later. You can keep your messages in private folders in a more organized way. You can also regularly delete these organized messages which are not of your use.

Advantages of E-Mail:-

1) There is no better way to send, exchange or receive your messages instantly. An email can reach around the world in a matter of minutes.

2) There is no cost to send or receive email. As soon as you have paid for your internet connection, the cost of sending the email is also included in that. Apart from this, no matter how far you send your long messages, there is no need to pay a single penny.

2) There is no cost to send or receive email. As soon as you have paid for your Internet connection, the cost of sending email is also included in that. Apart from this, no matter how far you send your long messages, there is no need to pay a single penny.

3) An email message can be sent anywhere at any time. It is also not necessary that the recipient of your email is sitting at their computer as is required for telephone calls. Your mail will be stored in the service provider and can be received by the recipient as and when desired. But you should check your incoming email messages daily. At the same time, we should not even think that the recipient of our email will read it immediately.

4) E-mails are a very useful tool for exchanging and sharing information.

5) Sending and receiving e-mails is also simple. You can also send the same e-mail to multiple recipients at the same time.

6) Electronic mail is delivered almost at the same time as it is sent. Because its speed is high.

7) Due to being in electronic form, paper is not destroyed in sending and receiving email. However, if we want, we can also keep its print in the record for the record.

8) You can also store and keep records of all the emails in your computer.

9) You can read your email whenever you have time to read it. You are free for this.

10) the other methods of communication; For example, there are very cheap methods as compared to postal, courier, telephone etc.

Some Tips for Writing a Good Email:-

                        It would be good if some rules or regulations are followed while sending messages through email. Some of these are given below which are as follows:-

1) There should be a subject line in your message which clarifies your message. For example, choose a few words that can correctly describe the content of the email.

2) Your message should be simple and to the point. Your message should be a short note.

3) Message should never be written in capital letters. Such a message is called shouting in the language of email.

4) Do not send your message by writing it immediately. Check spelling etc. Some e-mail programs allow you to have a spelling check feature.

5) When you are doing a funny remark, use smileys because on the telephone you can make a funny tone with your voice, but by not using smileys in e-mail, people can get it wrong.

6) Most e-mail programs do not include 'Bold' or 'Italic' letters and they do not even show them, so it is best not to use them.

7) Email does not always remain private and the message sometimes reaches the wrong person as well. So write and send them carefully and intelligently.

8) Try to answer the email as soon as possible. Letters can be answered after a few days, but people can also get angry if emails are not answered within a day.

9) On mail we get time to reply with thought but on email you can be answered immediately and later you can also apologize for what you typed. In the email language, rude and angry messages are called Flame. Therefore, the message should be answered with utmost care and discretion.

10) When you send a reply or forward a message, try to edit the message first. If you correct the mistakes.

11) Do not use short form in the message while writing the email.

12) Be careful while using CC. Add a CC recipient only if you let your main recipient know that others will receive a copy of the mail.

13) Lastly, you can use any one of the following like- Best Regards, Regards, Best Regards etc.

Sending format of Email:-
                                The format of any mail is as follows:-

1) FROM: - It contains the address of our mail.

2) TO: - It contains the mail address of the person to whom we are sending the mail.

3) SUBJECT: - The subject on which the mail is to be sent is written.

4) MESSAGE BODY:- Whatever message is to be sent is written in the message body.

5) CC:- Its full name is carbon copy. Inside this we will write the address of any other person to whom the mail has to be sent.

6) BCC:- Its full name is Blind Carbon Copy.

Types of Email services:-

            There are two types of email services:-

1) Application Based:- Application based email user has to install inside the computer. This mail is stored in the user computer. Example:- MICROSOFT OUTLOOK, Mozilla Thunderbird, OPERA, FOXMAIL etc.

2) Web Based:- Web based E-mail can be accessed to the user through the Internet in the computer. This mail is not stored in the user computer, its examples are:- Gmail.com, Yahoo.com, Outlook.com etc.

Top Email Service Provider and Launched Date

Company                 Launched Date

1) Gmail                   April 1, 2004

2) Yahoo Mail         October 8, 1997

3) Rediffmail          February 8, 1996

4) Rocket Mail        June 19, 2008

5) Proton Mail        May 16, 2014

6) Titan                     2018

7) Zoho Mail            March 2006

8) Outlook                July 4, 1996

                      Today, through this blog, we have learned what is email and what are its features and apart from this, know many more things. Hope you liked this blog.

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