Blogging and Blogging Websites - IT/ITes-NSQF & GK

Blogging and Blogging Websites

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Today we are going through this post "Blogging and Blogging Websites,Blog Hosting Services,Blogger,Purpose of Blog,Steps to create Blog account, Steps to create a blog post"



                        Blog is its own web page created by technical and non-technical users. Blog is like a personal diary of the user and he can use it easily. Users can use a blog to deliver messages about events, announcements, news etc. Blog can be used only through web browser and internet connection is required for this.                  

                      Blogging is also known as 'Web Blog'. There are billions of blogs on the Internet. Blogging is a very good online medium where you can share your thoughts, suggestions and story with people online. By reading the billions of blogs on the Internet, you can know what other people have published or published. Blogs are a type of website where people's entries are collected. Most blogs are focused on a topic or topic. Although most blogs are ideas written by people, many blogs provide people's views or news on a topic. Text, Image and links to other blogs are linked in the common blog. The interactive format is an important part of many blogs where people can give their comments.

Blog Hosting Services:-

                                       This is a website that provides you the facility to create blog in full format fast and post it easily. For this some websites are as follows which provide you the facility of free blogging:-


Blogger ( 

                               Blogger is a free blog hosting service with all the features. It was launched in the year 1999. In the year 2003, it was acquired by Google. In this, you get a very detailed format and layout options, from which you can have complete control over your comments etc. Many bloggers use the facility of sending posts by e-mail and mobile phone and Google Toolbar etc.

Purpose of Blog:-

                              The purpose of a blog is to give information about any topic to promote a product or service, to create awareness about social issues. You can also use it as your personal diary and share your thoughts / Ideas with people.

Steps to create Blog account:- 

                       To create a blog account, you can create your blog account by following the following steps. After creating an account, you can publish posts in it. The steps to create a blog account are as follows:-

1) First of all, open the Wave browser on your computer or mobile.

2) Write in the address bar and press the enter key.

3) Click on Sign Up.

4) The page will open on the screen.

5) In this, the user name and user delivery, email address and language will be written.

6) Now click on the button named create blog.

7) Your page will be ready as soon as you click.

Steps to create a post in Blog:-

                                 The steps to create a post in a blog are as follows:-

1) Will open the blog site. On opening the blog site, click on the button named New Post in the window of the blog.

2) New post window will open. Write about the post in this, on which topic you want to write your blog.

3) After writing the blog post, you will now click on the Publish Post button given in it.

4) On clicking, the post will be published.

                     In this way you can create your own blog and publish them.

Youtube video link:-

Blogging and Blogging Websites


                         I will keep posting more important posts on my Website for all of you. Please give your support and love.

   Thanks for read my Blog || राज रंगा   

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