9th || IT || Unit-1 || Questions Answers from Introduction to Information Technology - IT/ITes-NSQF & GK

9th || IT || Unit-1 || Questions Answers from Introduction to Information Technology

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Very Short Answer Type Questions:-


Q1) What is the full form of ICT?

Ans:-Information And Communication Technology

Q2) What is the full form of ITes?

Ans:-Information Technology Enabled Service

Q3) What other names is ITes known by?

Ans:- Web-enabled and Remote Services

Q4) What is the full form of BPO?

Ans:- Business Process Outsourcing

Q5) What is the full form of BPM?

Ans:- Business Process Management 

Q6) What is the full form of GDP?

Ans:- Gross Domestic Product

Q7) What is the full form of MNC?

Ans:- Multinational Companies

Q8) What is the full form of LMS?

Ans:- Learning Management System

Q10) What is the full form of CAD?

Ans:- Computer Aided Design

Q11) What is the full form of CAM?

Ans:- Computer Aided Manufacturing

Q12) What is the use of Cad/Cam Application?

Ans:- Cad/Cam Application 3 is done for Drawing, Designing, Designs, Publication, Testing and Simulating.

Q13) What is the full name of ATM?

Ans:- Automated Teller Machine.

Q14) What is the full form of ECG?

Ans:- Electro Cardiogram Machine

Q15) What is the full name of Cat?

Ans:- Computerized Axial Tomography Machine

Q16) What is the full form of MRI?

Ans:- Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machine

Q17) What is the full form of EEG?

Ans:- Electro-En Cephalography

Q18) What is the full form of Pin?

Ans:- Personal Identification Number

Q19) What is the full name of NGOs?

Ans:- Non-Governmental Organizations.

Long Answers Type Questions:-


Q1) What do you understand by the terms IT and ITES?

Ans:- The full name of IT is Information Technology. IT means to create, manage, store and exchange information. IT includes all types of technology which is used to deal with information. As hardware and software technology is used to create, store and send information from one place to another.

                         The full name of ITES is Information Technology Enabled Services. ITES is also called Web Enabled Service or Remote Service. 

Q2) What precautions are needed to ensure that ICT use is safe?

Ans:-- To ensure that the use of ICT is safe, the following precautions are needed:-

1) Patch it while using the machine, so that your machine will not be vulnerable to malfunction.

2 We should install a Protective Software which can help in reducing any damage to the data present in the computer.

3 Back up the data regularly.

Q3) Which are the main areas of IT-BPM Industry?

Ans:- The main sub-sectors of IT-BPM Industry are as follows:-

1) MNC (Multinational Company) organizations have their headquarters outside India but these organizations work in many places across the world.

 2) ISP (Indian Services Providers) organizations start their headquarters in India and later they can set up their offices outside India as well.

3) GIC (Global in house services) organizations meet the needs of their parent company and do not serve outside customers.

Q4) Give an example of use of IT in our daily life?

Ans:- There are many examples of IT in our daily life. The word Information and Technology which means all the information that is given by technology. We use information technology every day like social media, television and computer etc. to book tickets online, withdraw money from ATM, use credit card etc.

Q5) How is IT used in libraries?

Ans:- In today's time many libraries have been computerized. Each book has a barcode attached to it. This barcode library makes it easy for us to keep an eye on the books. Computer software is used to issue and return the book.

Q6) Write the different processes of education where IT is used?

Ans:- The various processes in the classroom where IT is used are as follows:-

1 ICT in Classroom

2 Education anywhere anytime.

3 Teaching Aids and Media.

4 Learning Management System (LMS).

1. ICT in Classroom:- There are many ways for which ICT is used in the classroom like:-

(i) e-learning labs. 

(iii) Videos on the experiments.

(iv) Production of Images and Videos.

(v) Desktop publishing of magazines, papers and documents.

(vi) Educational Games.

(vii) Learning using CD-ROM media.

(viii) Collecting Educational Information from the Internet.

2. Education Anywhere Anytime: - Any student in India can access the book online. Apart from this, there are many types of websites or mobile apps from which we can access educational resources on any subject.

3. Teaching Aids and Media:- ICT is mostly used as a teaching aid in schools. Use pictures, animations and audio, video to explain topics that are difficult to explain. Make Lessons Interesting Using Presentations. Organize lessons using computer. Get relevant information for the subjects.

4. Learning Management System (LMS):- A Learning Management System (LMS) is being used by many countries to manage school systems. To use it, a student or teacher can register himself on the official website and can get many services from it. Student can avail various benefits by using it:--

(i) Learn Lesson Anytime Anywhere.

(ii) Submit Queries, Get Answers and Submit Comments through Forums.

(iii) Participate in co-curricular activities through video.

Q7) Which software is used in Digital Communication?

Ans:- Communication is used to express Messages, Ideas, Pictures and Speeches. We use computer system for modern communication. We use computers for Email, Chatting, FTP, Telnet and Video Conferencing. The following types of software can be used in digital communication such as:- Skype, G-mail, WhatsApp, Facebook, Yahoo, Google, facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Instagram, Google Meet, Zoom App, SnapChat etc.

Q8) For what purpose is IT used in Business?

Ans:- The purpose of IT in Business is used for Payroll Calculation, Budgeting, Sales Analysis, Management and Maintaining Stock. A lot of business transactions take place through the Internet called e-commerce. There are many business transactions on e-commerce through the Internet.

Q9) What are the areas where IT is used in Science and Engineering?

Ans:- Scientists and engineers use computers to do complex scientific calculations. Computer Aided Design (CAD) or Computer Aided Manufacturing (Cam) applications are used for drawing, designing, testing the designs and testing. Computers are used to store large amounts of data, perform complex calculations and view 3-D objects. Complex scientific work like Rocket Launching, Space Exploration etc. is not possible without applications computer.

Q10) List the various uses of IT in a banking system?

Ans:- Computer is an essential part of modern banking system. Every activity of the bank is now done through online computer. IT is used in the banking system for the following reasons:-

∆ The customer's data and transactions are recorded by the computer.

∆ To send money from one account to another.

∆ To make Fixed Deposit.

∆ To withdraw money through ATM.

Q11) In what ways is ICT used in various areas of healthcare?

Ans:-- ICT is used in HEALTHCARE in many ways. Hospital Managernent System is used to manage various activities related to hospital administration along with records of patients. Computerized machines are used for ECG, EEG, Ultrasound and CT Scan. A variety of measuring instruments and surgical instruments are used to monitor patients' condition during complex surgeries. Computers are used to scan and diagnose various diseases. Various areas of healthcare service where IT is used are as follows:-

∆ Computer is used to keep records of patients.

∆ ECG - (Electro Cardiogram Machine) The ECG machine is used to check the heartbeat.

∆ The full name of CAT is Computerized Axial Tomography Machine. This machine is used to take 3-D photos of any part of our body.

∆ The full name of MRI is Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machine. MRI machine is used to see our internal organs in digital form.

∆ The full name of EEG is Electro-En Cephalography. This machine is used to record the activities of our brain.

∆ Blood Sugar Testing Machine- This machine checks how much sugar is in our blood.

∆ Blood Pressure Measuring Machine - This machine is used to measure the pressure of the person's body.

Q12) How is IT used in Government and Public services? List any 5 websites of the Government of India that provide services to the people?

Ans:- The government uses computer applications extensively in its daily work. Digital India and E-Governance are the best examples of this. Government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as well as international government agencies use ICT applications to communicate and provide various services to the people and this is called e-governance. The names of 5 websites of the Indian government that provide IT services to the people are as follows:-

■ IRCTC Indian Railway (www.Indianrail.Gov.in)

■ RTI (Osdrti-Dopt.Nic.in)

■ Govt. Of India Web Directory (Goidirectory.Nic.in)

■ National Portal of India (Indiaportal.Gov.in)

■ Income Tax Department (www.Incometaxindiaefiling.Gov.in)

■ Saral Haryana.

Short Answer Type Questions:-


Q1 What is BPO and write some of its services?

Ans:-- The full name of BPO is Business Process Outsourcing. BPO services means conducting business for business through an external service provider. Some BPO services are as follows :-

∆ Financial and Accounting Services.

∆ Insurance Services.

∆ Software Testing Services.

∆ Health care services.

∆ Legal Services and Content Writing.

Q2 What are the advantages of BPO services?

Ans The advantages of BPO services are as follows:-

∆ BPO service providers in India invest in hi-tech hardware and software to deliver the best services.

∆ Government of India is encouraging BPO industry in India by providing necessary infrastructure and support to them.

∆ BPO (industries) industry is very much developed in India.

Q3 How is IT used in homes?

Ans:- Pc (Personal Computer) is used to work at home, create home accounts, play games, surf the web, do e-mail, make music and pursue a range of other hobbies.

Q4 How is IT used in Office?

Ans:- Computers and computer applications are used in the office to do the work more effectively.

Q5 How is IT used in Entertainment?

Ans:- By using IT we can browse the Internet. Internet is a major means of entertainment. You can download and watch any movie in it. Can play game. Can chat and use multimedia.

Q6 How is IT used in Insurance?

Ans:- Insurance companies keep all the records with the help of computer database. In insurance companies, the process of continuance of policies using a computer is announced on the opening date, next installment date, maturity date, interest arrears, survival benefits and bonuses. There are many online policies also available which can be purchased by visiting the website of insurance companies.

Q 7 How is IT used in Marketing?

Ans:- In marketing, computer is used for advertising the products. It is possible to create interesting advertisements for various products using the Arts and Graphics feature. in order to achieve the sales target. By using e-commerce websites, people can buy goods even sitting at home.


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