Introduction to computer - IT/ITes-NSQF & GK

Introduction to computer

Introduction to Computer:-

                      Office or school, computer is present everywhere today. There are many everyday tasks, for which we use the computer or depend on the information received from it. With the help of computer, various tasks like looking for a job, getting information about a product, education related work or planning to travel somewhere can be easily done.

                    With a personal computer at home, you can easily manage your checkbook accounts, pay bills, track your income and expenses, transfer money, buy and sell stocks, and calculate your financial plans . ATM (Automated Teller Machine) People can deposit or withdraw money through the machine. Shopping at the grocery store is done by computer.


                      People in the office use computers to make advertisements and letters, calculate salaries, list goods, etc., and list items with prices. Computers are used for educational purposes in homes and schools. Teachers use it to teach. Students use computers to complete their assignments, research work in laboratories and at home.

                People entertain themselves for hours by playing games on the computer, listening to songs, watching movies, reading a book or magazine, making videos, revamping photos, or planning vacations. Information about any corner of the world is available through computer. This gives you access to local and national news, weather information, sports scores, stock prices, your medical records, information on bank deposits, and tons of educational material.

                  People use computers as a means of communication. This communication is not limited to written form only. Thanks to modern technology, voices, sounds, videos and graphics can also be sent through computers. You can also see the person you are communicating with using a computer. Along with this, pictures and videos can also be sent to their friends, family members and clients. The consumer (consumer) uses his computer in business. The employee does this in establishing communication with another employee and customers. Students interact with their classmates, teachers and family members. Apart from this, people working in the security forces also use computers to communicate with their friends and family members. In addition to sending simple notes or messages, people also use computers to exchange photographs, calendars, journal music and videos. New technology is developing every day. How we use the digital revolution is entirely up to us. Today computers have become an integral part of our lives. To be successful in the digital world. Computer education is a must. To be computer educated means to have knowledge and understanding of computer and its use.                  

What is Computer?

                  A computer is an electronic device that works on the basis of instructions present in its memory. It takes the data (input) and processes it according to the prescribed rules and produces the result and also stores it for future use.


Some important facts related to computer:-

Data:- The organized and systematic form of unorganized and disorganized facts and figures is called data. These can be numbers, text, pictures, sounds, etc., apart from data. The data itself does not convey any information, but is used to present important information.

( Types of Data )

                  For example a form is filled by a student in a school college at the time of admission, which has the name of the student, his father's name and address etc. as facts. The purpose of collecting these data is to maintain the record of the student.

Information:- Information is the form of transferring data here and there. This is more important than the data. On the basis of this something is decided and decisions are taken. For example, the marks data entered in the mark sheet and the entire mark sheet is an information indicating its percentage, etc., which shows whether the student has passed or failed. That is, it gives the result.


User:- The person who uses the computer and through whom information is exchanged on the computer is called user.

Computer User 

Hardware:- All the equipment used to make a computer is called hardware. These are all those parts of the computer that we can touch and see. It includes all the external and internal parts of the computer. Like keyboard, mouse, monitor, CPU etc.

Computer Hardware 

Software:- A set of computer programs or instructions given to it which increases the performance of the hardware and tells it how any task is to be done, is called software.


                       Hardware and software complement each other. Computer hardware is meaningless without software, similarly no software can run without hardware. The combination of hardware and software is also called firmware. ROM is a firmware only. It is a hardware and a program called BIOS (SOFTWARE) is stored in it.


Types of Computer and computing Devices:-

There are following types of computers which are as follows:-

Personal Computer:-

                              A personal computer or say PC has been specially designed to meet individual needs. These are usually referred to as IBM. These are called compatible computers. They consist of at least one input device, one output device, one storage device, memory and processor with the help of which they perform these functions. Processor or microprocessor is a central processing unit built on a chip, which is a part of a PC is the mainstay of its creation. Personal computers are mostly used in business and are also very popular in homes as well. In the range of personal computers, Intel, IBM. And Apple Macintosh is the most popular.

Personal Computer 

                    Various companies such as Dell, HP and Toshiba sell PC compatible computers. PC and PC compatible computers generally use the Widow operating system. Apple computers generally use Macintosh operating system (Mac O/S). Macintosh computers were introduced by Apple Computer in the year 1984. For example, the iMac usually runs on the Macintosh operating system.

Notebook Computer:-

                              Notebook computers are also called 'laptops'. Notebook is a small size and low weight computer which can be easily carried from one place to another. Most laptops run on battery or electricity. A laptop can do all the things that a normal computer does. It is more expensive than a normal computer.


                  The keyboard of a laptop is mounted on the system unit and its monitor is also connected to the system unit itself. The various drives of the laptop are mounted in the system unit itself. Such users need more laptops whose work is not done sitting in one place like business travels. Notebook is a form of computer. It is small and lightweight. They are not more powerful than traditional notebook computers.

Smart Phone or tablet:-

                       Smartphones and tablets also have internet access. Apart from this, they also have Personal Information Management (PIM) functions like calendar, appointment book, calculator, address book and notebook etc. On smart phones and tablets, you can also read and do e-mails through the Internet as compared to basic phones.



Some smartphones and tablets can also connect to other devices and computers without any wires. Apart from this, there is also a small media player and camera, which you can use to take photos or make videos and share it with others immediately.

Parts of Computer:- Computer is divided into four parts which are as follows:-

1) Input devices:- It is used to give commands or inputs to the computer. It includes keyboard, mouse, webcam, joystick, OCR, OMR, bar code reader, scanner, mic, touch panel, digitizer, trackball, light pen, MICR, smart card reader, biometric sensor, speech recognition system, etc.

Input Devices 

2) Central Processing Unit:- Its job is to get all the functions of the computer done. It includes ALU (Arithmetic and Logical Unit), CU (Control Unit), Register, Bus etc.

C  P  U 

3) Output Devices:- 
Through these we get the result from the computer. This includes monitors, printers, plotters, projectors, speakers, video cards, headphones, etc.

4) Storage unit or memory unit:-
They are used to store data or information on the computer. It includes primary memory and secondary memory.
A) RAM and ROM are included in the primary memory.

RAM (Random Access Memory)

ROM (Read Only Memory)

B) HDD (Hard Disk Drive), SSD (Solid State Drive), Pen Drive, FDD (Floppy Disk Drive), CD (Compact Disc), DVD (Digital Versatile Disk), Tape Drive, External Hard Disk Drive in Secondary Memory, Cloud Storage, NAS Server (Network Attached Storage) etc.

Storage Devices 

Importance of Computer:-

                           Computers are playing an important role in our daily life today, the use of computers has started immensely in all the main areas of life. Nuclear physics research, architecture, drafting, experimental results and mathematical equations and their analysis, surveys in the field of science and engineering, sea travel, satellite and space flight, defense armament bodies, medical research, earthquake calculations, network analysis, aircraft and vehicle, designing, printing, Bank Accounting, Field of Business and Commerce, Census, Dictionaries, Astrological Predictions, Archaeological Work, Crime Detection, Fingerprint Introduction, Time Table, Automatic Trunk, Aircraft Traffic Control, Telephone Directory Revision, Library Cataloging, Ticket Booking, Exam Results Computer is very popular and important in election results, industrial units and other fields. With its help, even the most complex tasks are easily done in a very short time. Computers are used in different ways in different important fields.


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Thanks for read my Blog || राज रंगा


यह भी पढ़ें:-

Computer's Motherboard and Its components/Parts

Computer's Cables and Connectors (कंप्यूटर के केबल और कनेक्टर )

Computer & History of Computer Evolution (कंप्यूटर और कंप्यूटर के विकास का इतिहास)

Files and types of files(फ़ाईल और फ़ाईलो के प्रकार)

Secondary Storage Memory Devices ( दिवितीय स्टोरज मैमोरी डिवाइसज)

Components of Computer Hardware and Software (कंप्यूटर हार्डवेयर और सॉफ्टवेयर के घटक)

Computer Network and Types of Networks (कंप्यूटर नेटवर्क और इसके प्रकार)

What is Website? How many Types of Websites? (वेबसाइट क्या है? वेबसाइटें कितने प्रकार की होती है?)

E-Mail and Features of email (ई-मेल और ई-मेल की विशेषताए)

Cyber Crime and Types of Cyber Crime (साईबर क्राईम और साईबर क्राईम के प्रकार)

List of Inventions and Inventors Related to Computer (कंप्यूटर से संबंधित आविष्कार और आविष्कारको की सूची)

Thanks for read my Blog||RAJ RANGA 


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