Babasaheb contributed to the reservation for women in the Constitution and the Hindu Code Bill - IT/ITes-NSQF & GK

Babasaheb contributed to the reservation for women in the Constitution and the Hindu Code Bill

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Babasaheb contributed to the reservation for women in the Constitution and the Hindu Code Bill


                    Bhimrao Ambedkar is also known as Baba Saheb. He spent his whole life fighting against the caste system of Indian society and the evils of Hinduism. Not only this, his life especially struggled for the Dalits and backwards to get their rights. He always emphasized on educating women. Although with the same engrossment Ambedkar emancipated the Dalits, he also played his role as a savior of half the population of India i.e. women. After the untouchables, he considered Hindu women to be the most sought after, humiliated and oppressed people.

                            "I see the progress of a society by the way women have progressed there." This one statement of his is enough to tell how serious Babasaheb Dr Ambedkar was for the upliftment of women. In India, when the name of feminism was not known in any way, at that time Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar did such works of women empowerment, due to which Indian women have reached the space today. But see the irony, even after doing all this, Baba Saheb could not become the face of feminism in India. People limited him only to the leader of the Dalits and the framer of the constitution, whereas hardly any Indian leader has done his work for the betterment of women. His modern thinking and vision can be gauged from the fact that when Indian society was keeping women confined within four walls, then he got maternity leave for working women. Let us tell you what Baba Saheb has done for the betterment of women. Let us know this in detail:-

1) Abolished the tradition of polygamy for women and gave respect to women.

2) Having the first wife annulled the second marriage.

3) Like the son, the daughter was also given the right in the property of the father.

4) Right to adopt children.

5) Right to divorce.

6) Provision of maternity leave made.

7) Gave the right to be paid equal to men for doing equal work.

8) Provision was made to take work according to the capacity of the woman.

9) Prohibited the work of women in underground coal mines.

10) The duration of working was reduced from 12 hrs to 8 hrs.

11) Eliminated gender inequality.

12) Prohibited child marriage and gave the right to widow remarriage.

13) Prostitution was banned.

14) Right to freedom of religion.

15) Gave right to vote.

16) Right to get many posts like Prime Minister, President, Doctor Engineer IAS, Teacher, MP, Collector etc.

17) Right to live life with human dignity.

18) According to the Hindu Code Bill, any adult boy and girl, of any caste, is given the right to marry without the permission of the parents.

19) Resigned from the post of Law Minister after the Hindu Code Bill for the Rights of Women was not accepted in the Parliament.

20) hindoo kod bil ne braamhanavaad ke changul se mahilaon ko mukti ka maarg dikhaaya, jisamen dharmashaastron ke anusaar mahilaon ko shiksha ka adhikar nahin tha aur puroosh ke aagya ke bina koee bhee nirnay lene ka tatha unake atyaachaar ka virodh karane ka adhikaar nahin tha .

21) do. ambedakar ne mahilaon ke lie hindu naaree utthaan aur patan naamak kitaab likhee jisamen baudhd dhamm main striyon ko samaanata ka adhikaar praapt hai .

20) The Hindu Code Bill showed the way to liberate women from the clutches of Brahmanism, in which women did not have the right to education according to the scriptures and did not have the right to take any decision and protest against their tyranny without the permission of the man.

21) Dr. Ambedkar wrote a book called Hindu Nari Utthan and Patan for women, in which women have the right to equality in Buddhism.

22) Babasaheb Ambedkar fought for equal rights for women from 1916 till the introduction of the Hindu Code Bill in 1951.

23) In Article 15 of the Constitution, Baba Saheb destroyed the distinction between men and women.

24) Gave the right of equal pay to men and women in Article 39 of the Constitution.

24) In Article 42 of the Constitution, women have been given the right to pay and leave at the time of delivery.

24) In Article 42 of the Constitution, women have been given the right to pay and leave at the time of delivery.

25) Ambedkar built the respect of women on the doorstep of law.

                              Babasaheb wrote in a letter to a close friend of his father while studying in America, he wrote, 'Very soon India will decide the direction of progress itself, but before meeting this challenge, we must take positive steps towards the education of Indian women. Steps have to be taken.

                                 On 18 July 1927, in a seminar of about three thousand women, Baba Saheb said, 'You send your children to school. Education is as important for women as it is for men. If you know how to read and write, then your salvation in society is possible. The first task of a father should be in relation to not depriving the women of education in his house. After marriage, women feel like slaves, the biggest reason for this is illiteracy. If women also become educated, they will never feel this.

                                 Baba Saheb carried forward the tradition of India's first female teachers Savitribai Phule and Fatima Sheikh and made a lot of efforts for the freedom of women to read and write. In Manu Smriti, women are considered to be of ruthless, foolish and insidious nature and like Shudras they were deprived of studies but Baba Saheb did a lot of work for women's education. In the true sense, Babasaheb kept striving for the salvation of women.                   


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