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Today we will get information about "UNIT-3 Relational Database Management System (BASIC) Session-4, 5 -Question Answer" through this post. I will keep posting more important posts on my Website for all of you. Please give your support and love.




Session- 4: Retrieve data using Query in hindi (HBSE & CBSE)


Q.1) What is the use of Queries in Database?

Ans:- Queries are the commands with the help of which we insert, update, retrieve and delete data in the database. With the help of Queries, we can also work on any particular data in the database. Like displaying, editing etc any data.

Q.2) Queries display the data in which form?

Ans:- Queries displays the data in tabular form. In which the field name in the column and the record show in the rows.

Q.3) How to create Queries in Database?

Ans:- The queries in the database are formed in 3 ways which are as follows:-

1) Using a Wizard.

2) In Design View.

3) In SQL View.

Q.4) Write the steps to create a query from Using a Wizard?

Ans:- Steps to create query from Using a Wizard are as follows:-

1) Click on the Query button in the Database Design window.

2) Click on the Task area "Use Wizard to Create Query" option.

3) First of all select the field in the wizard window in which the data is to be worked on.

4) Select the Event name field and click on the right arrow.

5) Select the sorting order and condition.

6) Name the column header.

7) Click on Finish button.

8) Query will show you the result.

Q.5) Write the steps to create query from Design view?

Ans:- Steps to create query from Design view are as follows:-

1) Click on the Query button in the Database Design window.

2) Click the Task area "Use Wizard to Create Query" option.

3) Select the event table and click on the add button.

4) Similarly add the table in the pane of the query design window.

5) Select Fields.

6) Select the sorting order and condition.

7) After designing the query, click on the run query button.

8) Save the query with the Save button and give any name.

9) Press the Ok button. The query will be run.

Q.6) How to edit Query in Libre Office Base?

Ans:- Whatever query we create in LibreOffice base gets saved in Query section. If we want to edit any query then we have to follow the below mentioned steps:-

1) Go to the query section in LibreOffice base.

2) Click on the right button of the mouse on the query you want to edit.

3) Click on edit option from the list.

4) Apply whatever changes you want to make.

5) Click on Save option.

6) Run the query, the result will come according to the changes made in the query.

Q.7) What is the meaning of Single Field and Multiple Field Criteria while applying Query in Libre Office Base?

Ans:- In LibreOffice, when we retrieve the data with the help of Query, we have the option in the Query wizard that how many fields of data we have to display.

1) Single field:- If we have five fields in the table but we want data of only one field then we will select only one field with the help of single arrow in query wizard.

2) Multiple Field:- If we have five fields in the table and we want data all fields then we will select all fields with the help of double arrow in query wizard.

Q8) What is meant by Grouping of Data in Libre Office Base?

Ans:- Grouping of data is used to display all the records with one type of value from the database. For grouping of data, we use Where clause and ORDER BY clause.


1) WHERE clause:-

Query:- SELECT * from StudentDetail WHERE Roll_no=12;

Result:- Now running this query, we will see only that data in which the value of Roll_no field will be "12".

2) ORDER BY clause:-

Query:- SELECT * from StudentDetail ORDER BY Roll_no ASC;

Result:- Now after running this query, we will see all the data but the data will appear in ascending (ASC) order according to roll_no. ASC means Ascending order and DESC means Descending order.


Session- 5: Create Forms and Reports using wizard (CBSE)


Create Form & Reports in Database (HBSE) 


Q.1) What is the use of Form in Database?

Ans:- Form is used to store data in the database. Form is a user friendly interface, with the help of which data is stored in field wise database and it is attractive in appearance and easy to read texture.

Q.2) How to create a form in LibreOffice Base?

Ans:- Forms can be created in Libre Office Base in two ways which are as follows:-

1) Create Form using wizard.

2) Create Form using Design View.

Q.3) Write the steps to create a form with the help of wizard in Libre Office Base?

Ans:- Steps to create the form with the help of wizard in Libre Office Base are as follows:-

1) Open the database file in which you have to create the form.

2) Click on the "Form" icon in the left pane of the Database window.

3) Click on Use wizard to create form option.

4) A window named Form wizard will open in front of you. 

5) In that window, select the table in the table and query option. For which the form has to be made.

6) Select that field of the table with the help of right double arrow. Which you want to take in the form.

7) Click on Next button.

8) In the next step the wizard will ask you to make the form for both data display and data entry.

9) In the next step, apply style and font property to the form.

10) Click on the Next button and give the form any name you want to give.

11) Click on Finish button.

12) In this way the form will be made.

Q.4) Write the steps to create a form with the help of design view in Libre Office Base?

Ans:- The steps to create a form with the help of design view in Libre Office Base are as follows:-

1) Open the database file in which you have to create the form.

2) Click on the "Form" icon in the left pane of the Database window.

3) Click on Create form in Design View option.

4) A window named database form will open in front of you.

5) Select the control field you want from the Form Control Window.

6) Set the properties of the field.

7) Save the form with any name you want to give.

8) In this way the form will be made.

Q.5) What is Form Control Toolbar?

Ans:- There are many controls in Form Control Toolbar which we can add to our Form and make the Form attractive and useful.

Q.6) Write the steps to add Date field to Calendar from Form Control Toolbar?

Ans:- Steps to add Date field to Calendar from Form Control Toolbar are as follows:-

1) Click the right button of the mouse on the Date field in the form.

2) Select Control property.

3 Select the date format from the Date format property.

4) Scroll down until the Ok button appears.

5) Click on Ok button.

6) Calendar will be added to the date field.

Q.7) How do we enter the data in the table with the help of Form?

Ans:- With the help of the form, we enter the data in the table as follows:-

1) Go to Database pane in LibreOffice.

2) Click on Form Icon.

3) Open the Form from the Forms window.

4) Enter the data in all the fields of the form.

5) Click on New Record icon or Next Record icon click.

6) That record will be entered or added to the table.

Q.8) Write the steps to modify the form in Libre Office Base?

Ans:- The steps to modify the form in Libre Office Base are as follows:-

1) Go to the Database pane in LibreOffice.

2) Click on the Form icon.

3) In the Forms window, click on the right button of the mouse on the form that has to be modified.

4) Click on edit form from the list.

5) Form will open in front of you in design view.

6) Do whatever changes you want to make in the form.

7) Click on Save button.

8) The form will be modified.

Q.9) What is the use of Report in LibreOffice Base?

Ans: - Reports are a very useful feature of the database. With the help of Report, we can see the records / data of the database in an attractive and useful manner. We can create reports according to all three tables, views and queries. If we want report from multiple tables then we have to first make query and then report will be generated.

Q.10) Write the steps to create a report in LibreOffice Base?

Ans:- The steps to create a report in LibreOffice Base are as follows:-

1) Go to the Database pane in LibreOffice.

2) Click on the Report icon.

3) Click on Use wizard to create report option.

4) A window named Report wizard and report builder will open.

5) First of all we will select the table in the Report wizard window.

6) Select the fields which we want in the report.

7) Click on Next button.

8) Select the data according to which you want to group in the report such as date, roll_no etc.

9) Set the Sort option and click on the Next button.

10) In the next step, check and set the layout of the report.

11) Click on Next button.

12) Click on the Finish button and the report will be displayed.

Q.11) How to insert Date & Time in report in LibreOffice Base?

Ans:- Date & Time is inserted in the report in LibreOffice Base as follows:-

1) Open Report in Design view.

2) Select the Page Header option.

3) Click on Insert Menu.

4) Click on Date & Time Option.

5) Date & Time window will open in front of you.

6) Select Include Date & Time Checkbox.

7) Press the OK button.

8) Date & Time will be inserted in the report.


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