Presentation and Features of Good Quality presentation - IT/ITes-NSQF & GK

Presentation and Features of Good Quality presentation

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What is presentation? What are the features of good quality presentation?

Ans:- Presentation means display and Digital Presentation means to display your information digitally. In this chapter, we will learn about Digital Presentation, with the help of Digital Presentation, we can easily convey our message or information to the audience. We mostly use Digital Presentation at that time. When a message is to be presented in front of a class or a meeting, we can prepare Digital Presentation with the help of computer. There are many application software available to prepare this. Like Ms-PowerPoint, Openoffice, Libreoffice Etc.

Presentation is mostly used in Teaching and Training. Concepts which are safe to describe can be easily described with the help of Digital Presentation. We can also print Digital Presentation on paper. In this lesson we will learn to use Impress (Libreoffice) Impress Libreoffice is a free open source and used to prepare presentation. Impress uses Text, Graphics and Animation in Libre Office.

Good Quality Presentation should have the following characteristics:-

1) A slide in the presentation should have 5 to 8 lines.

2) The size of the font in the presentation should be 32 points or more.

3) There should be accurate use of Grammar and Language in Presentation.

4) Image, Drawing Tables and Graph should be used in Presentation as per requirement.

5) Colors should be used in the presentation in such a way that the font can be read easily.

6) More than one animation and video should not be used in a presentation. Because using more animations and videos can cause sound overlap.

7) While making the presentation, the topic should be kept in mind and one should not talk in the presentation other than the topic.


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यह भी पढ़ें

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