WWW (World Wide Web) and Its Components - IT/ITes-NSQF & GK

WWW (World Wide Web) and Its Components

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WWW (World Wide Web):- 

              Its full name is World Wide Web. It is a repository of pages containing information. WWW i.e. World Wide Web, also commonly called W3, or Web, is actually an interconnected system of public webpages that can be accessed through the Internet. Web and Internet are not the same thing. The web is actually one of the many applications that have been built on the Internet. WWW is an information space. Where HTML documents and web resources are identified through Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). Where HTML documents are interconnected through Hyperlink. We access these web documents through the Internet. It is a central hub to store information. 

WWW is a primary tool through which we are able to access or communicate with the Internet. Web pages are written in the language of HTML which is a language used in computers. WWW is a huge database of information and every information is related to each other. Image, audio, video or text is kept in a formatted way inside an HTML document. It was developed by Tim Burner Lee in 1989. Who is also called the inventor of the web. Berners-lee was also the director of the W3C. Berners Lee used to monitor the development of WWW. He also developed hypertext. The technique of communication through the web was developed. He invented the technique of linking web pages among themselves. With the concept of Hypertext, he changed the perspective of the Internet. Uses WWW program, hypertext, protocol, webpage, text, images, video.  In 1989 Berners-lee started working on the world wide web server. The name of this server was given "httpd". Initially WWW was something like WYSIWYG Hypertext Browser/Editor which ran on Next Step Environment. World Wide Web had reached most parts of the world by 1991.

Who is the owner of WWW?

                      In today's time the owner of WWW is Inrupt.com. This is a tech start-up that uses WWW, promotes them and also works to develop them better.

How does WWW work?

             Works with WWW, Webserver, Website, Browser, Webpage, http, Hypertext and Hyperlink. It has the ability to connect the addresses and pages of many web pages. When a user opens or opens a web document, for this he uses an application which we and you call web browser. A web document is written in a web programming language called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). Whenever you write the name of a domain in web browser like www.google.com etc it is also called URL. Every domain has an address. So the browser generates a request to search the domain of http in the World Wide Web. With this converts the domain name into a server IP address. Which the World Wide Web searches for that website address in the server. When the address matches with the page of the server from which the domain is hosted, then that page is sent back to the web browser. Which you can see in your web browser. This is how WWW works. Four technologies are generally used to run the World Wide Web: URL, Web Browser, HTTP and HTML. Without them the World Wide Web does not exist.

Components of WWW:-

                            There are three types of components of WWW:-

1) Web Browser:-

                       Web Browser is called all those software through which we can run Internet on Computer, Mobile, Tab, Laptop etc. To access WWW, we need a web browser. Web Browser is where we get information by searching for information. Web means Internet and Browser means Search. That is why it is very important to have a web browser along with the internet. The web browser reaches us in the world of the World Wide Web, here all the content is in the language of the computer which is called HTML. Web browser translates HTML document into human readable form. There are many web browsers, some examples of which are as follows:- Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera Mini, Safari, Netscape Navigator, FireFox, Microsoft Edge, Vivaldi, Brave, Maxthon, Slim Browser, Konqueror, Lunascape, Epic, Torch Browser, Sleipnir, K-Melion, Tor Browser, Dolphin Browser, OmniWeb, iCab, Green Browser, Citrio, Avast Secure Browser, UC Browser etc. 

2) Web Page:- 

                         A web page is a page of any web site and there are many pages in a web site. All these pages together make up the website. All these pages are connected to each other through hyperlinks. When we go to a website and click on a link, the page that comes open from it is called web page. URL address is used to access these webpages. The page you are reading now is also an example of a web page.

3) Website:-

                 A web site is prepared by combining many web pages. The first web page of a web site is called the home page. Every web site has a unique home page through which all the links available on the website can be accessed. All the links of that website are available on the homepage of the website. from where we can use them. For example, the names of some websites are as follows:- www.google.com,  www.yahoo.com, www.youtube.com, www.facebook.com, www.twitter.com, www.baidu.com, www.wikipedia.org, www.amazon.com, www.netflix.com, www.bing.com etc.

                        Today you know, what is WWW? (What is World Wide Web in Hindi) and how it works. Internet is incomplete without it. All the web pages of the world are linked to each other by hyperlink.

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