Software and Types of software
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What is Software?:-
Software is a group of programs that are used to complete a task in a computer. Through these, we i.e. users are able to work on the computer. We can say that all the programs that we use on the computer are software. Through these programs, we can do different types of work on the computer such as creating documents, making presentations, preparing data in spreadsheets, playing games, watching movies, listening to songs, running internet etc. Software is the lifeblood of a computer or computing device. Without them we cannot even imagine working on a computer. Software can be divided into four parts on the basis of their use. Let us know in detail about the types of software which are as follows:-
1) System Software
2) Application Software
3) Utility Software
4) Programming Software
1) System Software:-
These include those programs or software which are essential for the running of the computer system, those same software is called system software. Without them, it is a far cry to do any work on the computer, the computer cannot even be started. System software is the controller program of the computer. System software has a direct connection to the hardware ie the machine. We also get to see this thing in the layered diagram of the computer system.
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System Software |
System software can also be divided into two parts:-
1) CUI-Character User Interface:-
It is a type of user interface that uses only alphanumeric characters for input, output and display of information. It works by allowing users to issue commands to programs in the form of one or more rows of text. That is to say, whatever work you do in it, it is all command base. Examples of this are MSDOS-Microsoft Disk Operating System, Linux, Unix etc.
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MS-DOS Command line Interface |
2) GUI- Graphic User Interface:-
It is a kind of user interface that serves to show visual indicators and graphic icons to users through computer devices. In this, the information is visible to the user in a graphical form which is easy to understand and useful as well as shows the actions being performed by the user. It includes GUI objects like Icon, curser, Menu, Menubar, Toolbar etc. By using these objects, a user can use the computer without even knowing the commands. GUI uses Windows, icons and menus to perform commands on the computer such as opening programs, deleting or moving files, etc. In this, the user can work easily without even knowing the commands.
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GUI-Graphic User Interface |
The user does not need to remember and run any kind of command to run the computer. In this, from whichever icon you want to get some information, then on clicking on the icon, the GUI immediately shows us the information related to it. Following are some examples of GUI Operating System:-
MicroSoft Windows Xp, 2000, 2003, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 etc for PC
Apple System- Mac-O/S
Chrome-O/S for Chrome Book
Android O/S for Mobile Phone
Linux Ubuntu Window for Computer System
2) Application Software:-
These are programs that are designed to accomplish a specific task for the user, they are called application software. In other words, all those computer programs in which we work on the computer. Those programs are called application software. Application means - Application, in this way the program or software made to get a particular application or work done from the computer is called application software.
For Example:- If we want to get the accounting work done from the computer, then we will make the program in the appropriate programming language or use any ready made software like Tally etc. In both the cases the software used is related to a particular application.
Application software can include different types of software. Like:-
Word Processor Software, Spreadsheet, Database Software, Presentation Software, Graphics Software, DTP Software, Personal Information Manager, Software Suite, Accounting and Project managements, CAD Software, Web Browsers etc.
3) Utility Software:-
Utility software is a computer system program that helps in analyzing, configuring, optimizing and maintaining a computer. These system software comes with most of the operating systems and some are also installed separately. Most operating systems have several utility programs. These are a type of system software that is generally used to manage the computer, its device or its programs. These are also called 'utilities'. You can purchase utilities separately, which enhance the capabilities of the operating system. These are software programs that provide additional functionality to your computer and help it perform even better.
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Utility Software |
Some utilities are web-based utility services. You pay an annual fee to use them, which allow you to access the web and use utility programs. McAfee and Norton Anti-virus provide web-based utility services. There are many types of utility software, but there are some software which are used more like:-
Recovery Software, Antivirus Software, Disk Defragment Software, Disk Cleaner, Disk Scanner, Screen Saver, Nero Software, Win Zip, WinRAR, Uninstallar, Compression Software, All Devices Drivers Software etc
4) Programming Software:-
Computer programming is a procedure by which instruction is provided to the computer to perform a task. To process the data and convert it into information, to give instructions to do the necessary work, there is a set of instructions in a computer program. A computer programmer can write these instructions using programming language. A programming language is simply a set of symbols and codes that are used to create instruction that can be processed and accessed by a computer.
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Programming Language & Software |
The steps a programmer takes to create a computer program is called the Program Development Life Cycle (PDLC). The software that is used to use different computer languages is called programming software. Following are some examples of this:-
Eclipse, Geany, gedit,Brackets, NetBeans, intelliJ IDEA, Xcode, Visual Studio, Sublime Text, Notepad++, Vim, TextMate, Emacs, AWS Cloud9 etc.
Through this blog, we have learned what is software and how many types are there. Hope you guys liked this blog.
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